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Stay Golden Anklet Set

Strong Women, Strong Girls (SWSG) engages at-risk girls in grades 3-5 throughout Miami-Dade County in high quality after school mentor programming through a unique program model that utilizes skill-building, relationships with mentors, and role models.   The mission of Strong Women, Strong Girls is to utilize lessons learned from strong women throughout history to encourage girls and young women to become strong women themselves. By building communities of women committed to supporting positive social change, Strong Women, Strong Girls works to create cycles of mutual empowerment for women and girls. 

In addition to supporting the healthy development of the girls involved, Strong Women, Strong Girls also supports the development of the college  women who volunteer as mentors. Strong Women, Strong Girls provides these capable and committed young women with the skills they need to be great mentors now, as wells as the tools to be life-long advocates for women and girls. http://swsg.org/