Stay Golden Anklet Set

As you know, we here at taudrey work our well-accessorized tails off to make sure we offer all kinds of great information to our loving customers and fans. And often, we call on our taudrey girls to share sweet insight!

So we asked Katy Coffield, loyal #taudreygirl and founder of Foodie Tribe, to answer 10, hard-hitting questions.

Read on to learn how she's managing to run her own booming business while being a loving mom to an adorable toddler, and a sweet wife, all at the age of 27! 


taudrey blog post katy foodie tribe 

Katy, tell the taudrey world a little bit about yourself.

Hey, everyone! My name is Katy Coffield, and I'm the founder and chief of Foodie Tribe, an influencer agency focused on pairing food influencers with brands and agencies. I've always been an agency type of girl. After graduating from the University of Miami (go Canes!), I dove right into working for agencies within the realms of public relations and advertising. After a few years of working with some pretty big corporate clients, I decided to make a switch and moved into the world of software technology, working as a customer success manager. I started Foodie Tribe as a side hustle about three years ago and just recently decided to take the full-time jump!  

Besides working, I also love spending time with my son, Camden, and my husband. Being a mom and wife are pretty big aspects of my life and largely why I decided to run my own business and work for myself. 

Exactly what is Foodie Tribe?   

Foodie Tribe is an influencer-focused agency that pairs food influencers with food and beverage brands that want to partner with them. What does that even mean, right? So, if a snack company comes to me and explains they want some extra help in getting the word out on their product, we help pair them with the appropriate influencers who will properly promote the product via social-media outlets. 

What pushed you to take on Foodie Tribe as a full-time gig?

Things were changing at my previous job, and in a direction I really wasn’t too crazy about. I had to decide if I wanted to take a more sales-focused role, which would mean traveling and less time with my family, or taking a leap of faith and working on Foodie Tribe full-time. I chose the later, because in my world, family comes first. 

How do you balance being a young business owner, wife and mother?  

I don’t know! No, seriously, I don’t. Honestly, I take it one day at a time. I do have to say, I have a nanny that helps me during the week so I can get work done. There is no way I could take a call with a prospective client with my 16 month old screaming in the background. I think, besides that, it’s really my support unit. My husband means everything to me. He is my best supporter in business and in life. He really pushes me in ways I would never think possible. And, having the flexibility to be able to stop by my mom’s house for a quick chat on a rough day is pretty sweet. Making my own schedule is truly the best!


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How do you stay organized, with both work and family?  

I use a couple of things to stay on track. I'm crazy about color coding my Google calendar. I showed my sister, Lauren Patao (who runs the fashion blog, TheFashionistasDiary.com) one day, and she was shocked a calendar could even look like mine! I make sure to plan out my week, blocking off time to handle client calls, prospect-client calls, campaign-management work, and any personal items that need to get taken care of. I also use Emily Ley’s Simplified Planner, which helps me keep track of my daily tasks. 

What keeps you sane? 

Something I've always done to keep my mind and body right, is exercise. I started running with my dad when I was just 10 years old, and for the past eight years, I've been doing Crossfit. When my son was born in 2016, I swapped out the gym for my front porch! Weird, I know, but it works! Every morning (or at least most mornings!) I get my much-needed 30 minutes of "me time," plus some sun (yea, Vitamin D!). For me, sweating and pushing myself physically keeps me centered for the rest of the day. Plus, I love the protein shake I reward myself with after every workout! 

Who are the special people in your life who have helped you succeed? 

My family. I wouldn’t be where I am, or who I am without God and my family. Since a very young age, my parents always instilled in me a serious work ethic. And, like I mentioned earlier, I wouldn’t have taken on Foodie Tribe full-time if it wasn’t for my husband's encouragement. Every time I let him know what I've accomplished for the day, or who I spoke to on the phone, he always stops to tell me how truly proud of me he is. That is my motivation every single day.

One piece of advice for young business owners/momma bears? 

You can do it, just have faith! In the beginning, things may seem a little crazy but keep going! I remember taking calls for Foodie Tribe when Camden was just a few weeks old. In order to keep him from crying, I would carry him in his baby carrier and walk laps around my apartment. At the end of every call, I'd be sweating bullets but I would always close the deal. It’s a crazy ride but it’s worth it if you're passionate enough.

Guilty pleasure?   

I am crazy about watching This Is Us. I mean, if you don't love this show there's something very wrong! I'm so sad we have to wait until the fall to see what’s going on! I also enjoy a great slice of pizza with a nice cold beer. My go-to is Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza

How have you used taudrey to celebrate your Foodie Tribe success?   

I have a couple of taudrey pieces that are hand stamped to read "Foodie Tribe," but my favorite has to be my custom Gold Autograph Plate. Not only is it pretty, but it's wearable marketing! 


taudrey blog post katy foodie tribe