Stay Golden Anklet Set


If you've been following along on social media (@taudreyjewelry21 for those new here!), you've likely caught a glimpse of our renovation efforts.

Heading into our 10th year, we're elevating the taudrey brand. The goal? To take our small, heart-filled biz into the big leagues! From changes to marketing presentations and enhanced packaging (we're so in love with our fresh, pink-suede pouches and branded jewelry wipes!), we're working extra hard to offer customers a heightened taudrey experience.

So it seemed only natural that our home base, The Jewelry Box, get a sweet facelift. When we moved into our current space back in October of 2017, we were heading into the holiday season and focused more on quickly getting things up and running rather than creating an ideal taudrey haven.

What we knew we needed: a more efficient crafting studio, far more organized office and storage spaces, and a more welcoming and curated showroom. Another thing we knew we needed? Help!

Enter interior design wizard Lauren Navarro from Orchard and Olive. Besides being a beyond graceful and kind working mom, Lauren has an unparalleled work ethic and eye for design. Our renovation process started in February, when she began to pick our brains for inspiration, meticulously dissect our current spaces and flash her measuring tape (it's legit like her wand!). Then came gloriously organized plans, renderings, swatches, and the most detailed product shopping list we've ever seen. She provided us professional wisdom delivered with the comfort of a bestie, and the experience was truly spectacular. Lauren rolled up her sleeves and got dirty with us. Oh, and she did so pregnant! 

Thank you, Lauren. You are one of a kind. And we're so grateful that you waved your Orchard and Olive wand our way. 

Continue on for some fun pics of our lovely Jewelry Box pre facelift, a glimpse into the renovation madness, and the glorious end product! We're now ready to offer you a more comprehensive taudrey experience. See you soon!


The Jewelry Box: Pre Facelift


Getting the Party Started


The Pretty Finished Product