Stay Golden Anklet Set

As this fresh year begins, here’s an honest and personal note straight from me, Tiffany ("Tiff"), taudrey's owner and designer.
The year 2017 was a crazy, throw-your-hands-up rollercoaster for me, both personally and as a business owner. And as I sit here still dizzy from the ride, my heart smiles. I hope this tiny human growing inside of me is smiling too. I’ll ask Siena (yes, I've officially named my baby girl!) when we formally meet in March.
While the first half of the year was a busy whirlwind, the rollercoaster picked up speed in July when we learned I was preggo. The happiness I experienced from the news was the most memorable of my life. However, the extreme fatigue that soon followed was just as memorable. Shout out to all mommy entrepreneurs! Then, a feisty hurricane season disrupted our two major markets, Florida and Texas. These game changers, plus a move and other business growing pains, caused me levels of angst, stress and exhaustion I’ve never known.

Today, I’m happy, healthy and safe, as is my family and taudrey team. I’m so thankful my heart could burst. Yet it’s important for me to honestly express that it wasn’t all sparkles and puppies this year. Sometimes, it was a hangry pregnant lady wearing a pregnancy belly belt over her clothes, hammering gold charms while two fans blew her way at 11 p.m. on a Saturday night.
But pregnancy has taught me something I’ve carried (pun intended!) into all other aspects of life and business. The lesson? When you feel like you have everything in control, life laughs. I’ve learned to accept that total control is imaginary, to trust my heart, let go of worry, and know that everything is going to work out the way it is intended.
Looking back on this wild year, I’m happy to report that it was our most successful one ever!
Our company has grown significantly, we welcomed another full-time #taudsquad member and settled into a new home. And that’s just touching the surface! Great events, partnerships, collabs, and a slew of personalized pretties helped to make 2017 one for the books.
And I must say, while sweat and tears were constant this year, we did have tons of fun. We managed to squeeze in plenty of confetti, pizza parties, DIY décor sessions, globe-trotting, and yes, even some puppies!

Thank you to my amazing family and crazy-hard-working team. I couldn’t do this on my own.
And I also want to thank you, every member of our ever-growing taudrey community. You make every late night and early morning not only worth it, but a pleasure. It means the world to me that we can make meaningful (and stylish!) accessories for you, and I know my team shares my sentiments.
Thank you for allowing me to make my passion, my paycheck.

My dreams have and continue to come true, and I wish the same for you this year and always.

xo, Tiff