Stay Golden Anklet Set

Tiffany the #taudboss, here with a personal note.

Mother's Day is a pretty big deal in the gold-filled world of taudrey. It's a holiday we plan for and look forward to the entire year. And it's also one that brings with it reminders and lessons.

As I sit here and think about what I want to say about Mother's day, what I want you all to read, be reminded of, and uplifted by, the message I see is: Women are unstoppable.

We recently hosted two back-to-back events, one in partnership with the lovely women at Swirl Boutique in Carlsbad, CA, and Tenley Molzahn Leopold, and then our hyper-local Miami pop-up with our Playa muse Kelly Saks and in collaboration with Flor De Maria. To make these events successful (and they 1,000% were!), several squads of women had to pour in a lot of time, energy, creativity, and sacrifices.

I think about the moms who traveled away from their babies (Siena and Maverick are still making me happily pay for that time with extra cuddles), and the moms who worked with littles on their hips and arms. I think about the aunts and grandmothers who stepped in to support, the women who proudly showcased their work, and the friends and family who flooded guest lists and social media feeds to show their pride. And I think about every woman who smiled through what no one else knew was a tough day to be there for other women.

I am perpetually humbled by the women I get to meet through this dreamy small business of mine. The women I get to connect with, work with, and stamp personalized messages into jewelry for.

And a special shout out to my amazing all-female team: Wale, Grace, Jen, Isa, and Mallory! You ladies are the hardest working, loving, most passionate women I know, and I love growing taudrey with you. A lot goes on behind the scenes, and these women are part of the magic.

So this Mother's Day, please remember to celebrate WOMEN. Because we're all out there mothering. Mothering humans, pets, plants, homes, friendships, partnerships, businesses, communities, and beyond. Let's shout our support and love louder than ever, and even to ourselves. Actually, most notably to ourselves! 

Hey momma, you are loved, and there is a community out there to support you.

Thank YOU for being mine.

Happy Mother's Day.