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Wanderlust is a real thing and we here at taudrey are on one major travel kick. With exotic summer-wander plans on the brain, we wanted to dedicate a blog post to advice regarding traveling (hopefully to a far away, sunny and sandy destination!) with your jewelry.

Here are out top five tips for caring for your jewelry while traveling.  


Have you ever reached to grab the necklaces you packed for your trip to find they’ve tangled into a mess that more closely resembles a golden tumbleweed than your beloved pieces? Sigh. Let’s have a moment of silence for all those chains we’ve lost along the way. Store chain necklaces (and bracelets) in a small drawstring bag or pouch. When tightening the strings, keep the closure portion of the jewelry piece outside. This will greatly help with keeping things proper in transit.

taudrey jewelry packing


We’re all about unity but not when it comes to storing jewelry for jet-set adventures. Keep necklaces with necklaces and bracelets with bracelets. Your stud earrings (not dangling or statement!) get a free pass and may party with your rings.

taudrey pack jewelry seperate


Carry your jewelry, and any other valuables, with you at all times while traveling on planes and trains (and spaceships!). Place them in your purse and/or carry-on bag. I mean, have you ever gazed out the window before takeoff and witnessed the luggage tossing? Exactly!

taudrey dont pack jewelry in your luggage put in carry on

Do your best to keep your jewelry from coming into direct contact with body creams, perfumes and sun-tan lotions, as most carry chemicals capable of eating up the metal of your precious pieces. Now don’t you go around spreading rumors that we’re denouncing SPF! We support lathering up…just BEFORE accessorizing.

taudrey keep jewelry from lotions


While fun in the sun is highly encouraged, try to remember to remove your gold pieces before plunging into the pool and/or ocean. While a few splashes won’t hurt, full submersion for extended periods may lead to tarnishing. We recommend keeping a small pouch in your beach bag for safe storage while you’re getting your mermaid on.

taudrey dont swim with gold jewelry

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